Saturday, July 11, 2009


Due to an absent of posts by other member who are so called "studying" *cough , cough , cough * I so need to post a good post! :D

Today on Gaming NEWS

1. Modern Warfare 2 's title is now Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 again.

2. Battlefield 's remodeled version of Battlefield 1942 is now release as Battlefield 1943 which includes Japanese this time.

3. Bioshock 2 welcomes 4th studio to develop alongside 2K games , Arkane Studios.

4. Command and Conquer 4 is announced but fans like me are saying that EA should stop being a F-ing retard and stop F-ing spoiling the Command and Conquer title that Westwood former developer for the Command and Conquer series have been working so hard on!

5. The classic game that was the American version of Gundams a.k.a Mech Warriors are getting a comeback . It's highly possible that a new Mech Warrior game is coming out .

6. Somebody out there is planning to release a Micheal Jackson game it's so so so possible that somebody will and shall but whether or not it will be a hit or another one of the turds . Who's behind all this well MJJ Productions a.k.a Micheal Jackson's production company is looking for a gaming studio to make one... guess what did a MJJ Productions rep said to confirm this

taken from Kotaku : "I am sure it will still be released," a MJJ Productions rep is quoted as saying. "Michael loved games."