Monday, June 8, 2009

N+ (Purely Addicting)

Credits all goes to

katastrophie in Gamefaqs

"Purely Addicting"

When I first saw screenshots of this game I thought this title was going to be quite bad, well I guess I got slapped in the face with the old saying "you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover". N+ is a fun and challenging game that will leave you playing for a long time and causing everyone around you telling you to shut the hell up since you will be shouting at the PSP screen.

The game is very basic, you are a ninja (albeit a very crude one) and your objective is to grab a crystal to open the locked door and go through it all the while gathering some gold for your troubles. You are a jumping master, you can leap from on wall and jump all the way to the next, you can even do the old wall to wall jump, you are a ninja after all. That's basically the goal of the game. There are numerous levels for you to play on each one getting harder than the last, and there is even a level editor in which you can build your own level and even share it on the internet for others to play thanks to it's multiplayer mode. As you play through single player you will unlock more parts to use in the level editor and even unlock new colours for your ninja.

The game starts out quite easy, jump here, grab this, head back and so on. Later on it will pick up and you'll find yourself dodging missiles, lasers, electrified balls, mini bombs, and other little gadgets that will try to hinder your progression, even the levels get longer and become more puzzled base by adding switches to press to open gates to reach your destination. Each level is unique and some are quite interesting and can give you inspiration into making your own level, such as the stage in the game that looks like a dragon. This game is not easy, some levels will frustrate you, but luckily the restart option is very quick and puts you right in the action with lightning like quickness. If you feel like you can't beat a stage just put it down and come back later, it works, that's my advice.

Graphics don't really matter to a game like this, they are very nicely done though. It's nice and simple and the colours are not frustrating on your eyes. The screen for each level usually sticks to your PSP screen meaning that it won't cause a part of the level to disappear when you go to one side of the level which is pretty nice. Music is quite good actually but for some reason I usually just don't hear it, maybe it's the pure concentration on trying to beat the level filling my head.

Overall this game is quite enjoyable and is very addicting once you find your comfort zone. This is what I think, what about you? Don't be afraid to try something new, you just might like it...

Reviewer's Score: 8/10