Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MapleStory Episode 2 ?!!

Hey people , what's up ? (The ceiling of course X) ) .

Declan here . As you all may know , the blog might be in a little hiatus for awhile since we are in the midst of our exams , but not to worry , it ends this Friday !

You might be having a dilemma with the my title , MapleStory . Most of you would have probably played this game , got addicted to it , and quit it .

Well turns out , this highly addictive game just got an UPDATE ! It's now called MapleStory Episode 2 !

MapleStory Ep.2 Changelog :

It would be the most detailed changelog that you can find right now , there are mini links there to clink on the find out more about the new content . Just to let you know , the patch is already out , but you must only patch it tomorrow after 6A.M. , since it's that time where they're updating the server . Exams are coming to an End , I might play it awhile and make a nice update review on it .

And lot's more I guess .
Source : http://maple.asiasoftsea.net/discussion/view/qa_on_maplestory_episode_2/
(And no , I didn't rip it all off directly)

I would love to download the new client and play it after the exams , and I would surely update you all about it , I think I still have a level 15 pirate with 30 mil inside?

BTW , Why is it so bad for them to make it dual-language ? BECAUSE IT WILL CAUSE LANGUAGE BARRIERS , IT WILL CAUSE HAVOC IN THE MARKET , IT WILL CAUSE MORE VULGARITIES AND CONFUSION . They're literally giving the LALA people power over everything now !

And last but definitely not the least , NEW JOBS ? Knights of Cygnus . I don't know much about it...YET
Good luck with you're exams all ,
Love , Declan .(Brotherly love man...)