Monday, May 25, 2009

Way to improve on GAMING!

This post is specially dedicated to how to be better in games well not in a sports category but rather the computer GAMING category.

When it comes to gaming , playing the game for a long time does not mean you're a veteran it simply labels you as experienced gamer , the difference between a veteran and a experienced gamer is that veteran are very built in as they know head to toe about the game from damage counting all the way to the Easter eggs in the game , experienced gamer are just people who play it a lot though they know head to toe and all the Easters they do not really know how to utilize all the tools and trades of gaming for example a veteran Warcraft 3 player have a big difference between an experienced Warcraft 3 player the veteran knows which armor is which and which damage type each unit uses where as the experienced only know the units and does not bother about armor type or damage type which and be quite fatal if you ignore it too much same goes to RPGs and FPSs .

So how do you get better , there are 3 ways on how to get better is to research all games need research . How do you research ? Simple . Simply use your creativity and roam unit facts that have a more detailed database on fan based sites and you'll get the ideas , ways and techniques to play . Reseach does not require a state of the art computer or a state of the art talent for gaming so therefore there is not F-ing reason why you can't research all you need is the internet and a computer that can run the internet and it does not cost more than RM200 ( RM99 Streamyx package will give you a free desktop ) .

Secondly is to observe the professionals with most replays having the replay function , watching professional matches in tournament can be found anywhere without any cost from YouTube to official gaming forums they all have replays for all games of all sorts .

Lastly is to play the game , if you don't play the game you'll never be able to understand anything therefore by playing the game for about an hour or two if possible it's all you need to receive whatever infomation and understanding you need about the game you wish to suceed in!

I hope this guide helps you in gaming though short it's a simplified summary on how to get better and these 3 steps are easy , simply and possible to do!